Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gluing The Splines In The Locking Scarf

Yesterday we (meaning Ruben) fit and glued the splines into the locking scarfs on either side of the trunk cabin. Having made the gap between the planks straight and of even width, Ruben hand shaped piece of Honduras mahogany to fit. The picture to the right shows the locking scarf prepared for the splines.

In the photo below you can see the work Ruben has put in matching the color and the grain of the wood, so that the resulting repair will disappear after varnishing. We'll come back to this once it's finished, in about a week.

The third picture, on the right, shows Ruben holding up the spine being slathered with gorilla glue just before tapping it into the slot in the side of the cabin. Each piece is press fit and doesn't require clamping.

In the final picture the spines have been inserted and the excess Gorilla glue is pouring out. This is easily cleaned up and we will go after it later today.  The next step is to hunt down all the small imperfections in the cabin sides and fit them with small dutchmen or wood plugs to fill years of damage to the wood.  We should be able to start sanding and the initial refinishing early next week.

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